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All you need to know about underfloor heating

In the realm of home design, tiles have gone beyond their traditional use in bathrooms and kitchens only, emerging as a versatile flooring choice that can redefine the ambiance of an entire house.

Their adaptability, coupled with advancements in underfloor heating technology, opens up a world of possibilities for homeowners seeking a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment.


Contrary to common misconceptions, underfloor heating proves to be more cost-effective than conventional radiators. The efficient distribution of heat across the floor surface ensures optimal warmth while minimising energy consumption.

Smart Control Options:

Underfloor heating is a customisable comfort experience. Controlled by a thermostat, it eliminates the need to run the heating system continually. Additionally, integration with smart heating controls allows you to manage and adjust temperatures with ease manually or remotely through your mobile phone app. You can also split underfloor heating into different zones and manage separately and efficiently when needed.

Swift Installation:

The installation process for underfloor heating is surprisingly swift and efficient. In one go, the system can be installed, tested, and commissioned, taking only approximately 30 minutes for an average-sized room.

Adaptability to Existing Homes:

Underfloor heating isn’t reserved for new builds or extensive renovations. It can be seamlessly integrated into existing homes, providing an opportunity for homeowners to enhance their comfort without the need for a complete overhaul.

There are two main type of underfloor heating – Hydronic (water based) and Electric.

The choice between electric and water underfloor heating depends on factors such as the size of the area, desired response time, installation complexity, and long-term operating costs. Electric systems are often favoured for smaller spaces or specific rooms, while water-based systems are well-suited for larger areas or whole-house heating.

Electric Underfloor Heating:

1. Heat Source:

How it Works: Electric underfloor heating relies on heating cables or mats installed beneath the floor.

2. Installation:

Ease of Installation: Generally easier and quicker to install than water-based systems, making it suitable for smaller areas or specific rooms.

3. Warm-Up Time:

Response Time: Offers a quicker response time, providing rapid heating when needed.

4. Floor Height Impact:

Floor Height:Has minimal impact on floor height, making it suitable for both new builds and renovations.

5. Running Costs:

Operating Costs: May have higher operating costs compared to water-based systems, depending on electricity prices.

Water (Hydronic) Underfloor Heating:

1. Heat Source:

How it Works:Hydronic underfloor heating uses warm water circulated through pipes installed beneath the floor.

2. Installation:

Complexity: Generally more complex to install, often requiring professional expertise. Suitable for larger areas or whole-house heating.

3. Warm-Up Time:

Response Time: Typically has a longer warm-up time due to the need to heat the water and distribute it through the pipes.

4. Floor Height Impact:

Floor Height:May impact floor height more than electric systems, particularly in retrofit installations.

5. Running Costs:

Operating Costs: Often considered more cost-effective in the long term, especially when integrated with energy-efficient boilers.

In conclusion, beyond the aesthetic appeal, the tile and UFH combination brings forth a new level of comfort and energy efficiency.

As you embark on the journey of combining tiles with underfloor heating, it’s crucial to exercise patience during the initial after installation phase. Gradually build up the heat over the first month, allowing the tiles and adhesive to acclimate to the new temperature. This mindful approach ensures the longevity of your flooring investment.

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